How To Make Your Own Kimchi

Kimchi is often thought of as the national dish of Korea.

Kimchi is one of the most popular fermented foods, known for its unique taste and health benefits.

This is a quick and simple kimchi recipe - and more delicious than any recipe or any ready made other kimchi recipes we’ve found.

The kimchi changes flavour over time as it continues to ferment, even when it is kept in the refrigerator.

Making homemade kimchi allows you to customize flavors and control the fermentation process according to your personal taste preferences.

It is tasty to eat after the initial soaking process of 24-48 hours at room temperature, when the cabbage will have already started to ferment.

However, after that, it completely depends on personal taste - have a spoonful every few days, and then decide.

If you're ready to make kimchi, check out the ingredients & methods here.

About Kimchi

Kimchi is a traditional Korean side dish made from fermented vegetables, usually napa cabbage or daikon, seasoned with a variety of spices.

The word “kimchi” literally means “salted fermented vegetables” in Korean. This iconic dish has been a staple in Korean cuisine for centuries.

The flavours of kimchi come from ingredients like fish sauce, sriracha chilli sauce, and Korean red pepper powder, which together create a unique and complex taste profile.

Known for its crunchy texture and vibrant taste, kimchi is not just a culinary delight but also a testament to Korea’s rich cultural heritage.

How long should the kimchi fermentation process take?

Tuck in the moment the kimchi is made, and the red pepper and ginger are the strongest flavours.

After a day or two, there is a slight fizz but the red pepper powder and kick remain, and after a week, the fermented vegetables become more sour, but the flavors can seem more balanced.

This is due to the fermentation process, which gradually changes the color and taste over time.

Two to three weeks and it really deserves its nickname ‘stinky kimchi’.

In the first couple of weeks, the kimchi is pleasant to eat fresh.

After a while, once it is more fermented, the kimchi is better used as base to bring flavour to cooked recipes - kimchi pancakes, or kimchi and bacon stew. It is best to consume it within four weeks.

What vegetables like napa cabbage go into kimchi?

The main vegetable in kimchi is fermented cabbage leaves.

Once you get into it, you can add all sorts of vegetables: grated carrot, daikon radish, and even replace the cabbage with pak choi or cucumber.

However, keep the same ratio of anchovy sauce or fish sauce as the sea salt used in it preserves the vegetables.

Read more background and history on the famous condiment here 'Kimchi: Korea's greatest food?'

What water to use when making kimchi?

There is a much debate in fermentation about what water to use if you're adding some - the concern is that chlorine in your water might kill any 'good bacteria', and prevent fermentation from happening.

If you're in a high chlorine area, you can use bottled water instead of tap water.

What should I make kimchi in?

You can make kimchi in most containers, however it is important to keep the cabbage submerged in liquid to help prevent mould growth.

Therefore something tall and narrow is best, like a 1 litre clip top jar. To help keep the cabbage under liquid, you could rest a small food-safe weight or small sauce dish on top. 

Sandor Katz, author of The Art of Fermentation, mentions using a small sealed plastic food storage bag filled with a 2% salt solution and salty brine (100ml water with 2g salt dissolved in it) resting on top (the brine is in case it leaks into your vegetables).

However, pressing the cabbage down below the surface as needed - bubbles of gas released during fermentation can push up the cabbage - works well too. 

Alternative you could even use a food-safe plastic bag to hold your kimchi, which is how kimchi-making is taught in one cookery school in Seoul, South Korea.

In the early stages of fermentation at room temperature, just press out any extra air and reseal.

If you do make kimchi in a plastic bag, you might prefer to keep the bag in a sealed box in the fridge to reduce the garlic-fish odours - plastic bags of kimchi tend to smell more strongly than glass jars

Or if you want something reusable, perhaps try one of these silicone sandwich bags.

Can you make vegan kimchi?

Yes! Pro pickler, Pao Liu explains: “I created my signature vegan kimchi by replacing fish sauce with wakame seaweed.

It’s one of my top-selling products. I wanted to create a good kimchi, that everyone can enjoy, whether they are vegan or not.

I brine and drain Chinese leaf with wakame seaweed, along with spring onion, leek and carrot.

Then I make the paste using Korean chilli flakes and garlic powder, ginger, onion and pear. I mix everything and pack it into buckets to ferment.”

Vegan kimchi is a great way to enjoy the flavors of Korean cuisine without using animal products.

Read: Pao's guide to fermenting for beginners.

A note about fish sauce

Fish sauce is renowned for its umami qualities, which add depth and complexity to dishes.

In kimchi, it provides a salty, savory backbone that balances the spiciness of the chili peppers and the tanginess from fermentation.

It complements the natural flavours of the vegetables, particularly the robustness of the cabbage and radishes. It's fantastic with kimchi paste and Korean red pepper powder.

Using fish sauce in kimchi ties the dish back to its cultural and historical roots in Korean cuisine.

Traditional recipes often include fish sauce or other seafood components like shrimp paste, which are integral to achieving an authentic taste. We like Red Boat fish sauce for making kimchi.

Sriracha chilli sauce

Sriracha chili sauce isn't a traditional ingredient in kimchi, but it can be used as a modern twist to simplify the seasoning process or to adjust the flavor profile according to personal preference.

Sriracha sauce, known for its spicy, slightly sweet, and garlicky flavour, can add an immediate heat and complexity to kimchi.

For those looking to achieve a spicy kick without using traditional gochugaru (Korean chili flakes), sriracha can be a quick and effective substitute.

Daikon radish

This crunchy, crisp radish is commonly used in making kimchi.

It's often included in traditional Korean kimchi recipes to add a crisp texture and a slightly sweet flavor.

These radishes are julienned or diced and then mixed with other ingredients like cabbage, carrots, and seasonings.

They absorb the kimchi spices well, contributing to the overall depth and variety of flavors in the dish.

This versatile vegetable is a key component in many variations of kimchi, enhancing the ferment with its unique characteristics.

How to make the best kimchi at home

  • Quality of Ingredients: Use fresh, organic ingredients for the best flavor and health benefits.

  • Hygiene: Make sure all utensils, containers, and your hands are clean to avoid introducing unwanted bacteria.

  • Temperature and Time: The fermentation time can vary depending on room temperature. Warmer environments accelerate fermentation.

  • Refrigerate: The fermentation process continues even in the refrigerator, albeit much slower. Refrigerating helps develop the flavors over time. Kimchi can be consumed immediately but often tastes better after a few days.

Fermented foods like kimchi are known for their unique flavors and health benefits.

Making your own kimchi allows you to control the ingredients and level of fermentation.

Creating a customized flavour that can be used in numerous dishes, from stews to pancakes, adding a vibrant kick to your meals.

Additionally, incorporating a bit of sriracha chilli sauce or chilli paste can give your kimchi a spicy kick that will awaken your taste buds.

After preparing, store your kimchi in a clean jar and keep it in the fridge to maintain its tangy and fermented goodness. We love Flying Goose sriracha chilli sauce.

This Kimchi recipe uk is one we turn to again and again.

Kimchi in Korean Culture

Kimchi holds a special place in Korean culture, especially during holidays and special occasions. It is often served as a side dish to complement other Korean dishes such as bibimbap, bulgogi, and Japchae.

Beyond being a side dish, kimchi is a versatile ingredient used in various Korean recipes, including kimchi stew, kimchi fried rice, and kimchi pancakes. In Korean households, serving kimchi to guests is a symbol of hospitality and respect, showcasing the host’s culinary skills and cultural pride.

The communal process of making kimchi, known as “kimjang,” is even recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage, highlighting its importance in Korean society.

For those looking to experiment, adding bell peppers or radish can bring both a splash of colour and a unique flavour to your kimchi. These vegetables pair well with the traditional napa cabbage and can be easily incorporated into the recipe.

Their crisp texture complements the softer fermented vegetables, creating a delightful contrast with each bite. By varying your ingredients, you can personalise your kimchi to suit your taste while still staying true to the authentic fermented flavours of Korean cuisine.

As your kimchi ferments, you can try adding it to various dishes to explore new flavour combinations. Kimchi is a versatile ingredient and can elevate everything from grilled meats to simple rice bowls. Its tangy, spicy notes provide a perfect balance to rich and savoury dishes, making it a must-have condiment in any kitchen. Whether you're using it as a side dish or incorporating it into a recipe, kimchi adds an extra layer of depth to your meals, transforming ordinary dishes into something truly special.

Ingredients, for a 1 litre jar of kimchi Serves: 20

  • 1 small head of Chinese leaf or Napa cabbage (roughly 650g)

  • 1 tbsp (20g) fine sea salt

  • 10g Korean red pepper powder (up to 25g if you like it very spicy)

  • 50g fish sauce

  • 50ml water

  • 1 tbsp (15g) ginger, peeled & grated

  • 1 tbsp (15g) garlic, grated

  • 4 spring onions, finely sliced

  • 100g kimchi paste (prepared with garlic, ginger, and fish sauce)

  • 2 tbsp rice vinegar (to balance flavors)

  • 50g salted fermented shrimp (combined with other seasonings)


  1. Slice the Chinese leaf into 1cm rounds and separate the leaves. Mix well with 1 tbsp salt until evenly covered, and leave to sit at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours. Toss every 15-20 minutes. The cabbage will reduce in volume, release water and soften.

  2. Next wash away the salt: fill the bowl cabbage bowl with cold water and then drain. Repeat several times.

  3. In a separate bowl, mix the red pepper powder with the fish sauce, water, ginger, garlic and spring onion and pour over the cabbage. Massage into the cabbage well for a minute using your hands. The cabbage will release some more liquid, but try not to bruise it.

  4. Move the cabbage mixture into a clean 1 litre clip-top jar. Press down well with a clean fork or your fingers to remove air bubbles, pushing the cabbage beneath the liquid. To help keep the cabbage submerged you could also place a tiny sauce-dish inside the jar pressing on the cabbage.

  5. Close the lid and leave at room temperature to ferment for 48 hours (at around 20 degrees Centigrade) to create fermented cabbage. Whilst the napa cabbage is at room temperature, you must open the jar every 12-24 hours to release any gas build up and push the napa cabbage back under the liquid. Your kimchi will be ready to eat!

  6. The kimchi taste is complex, with slight saltiness from the pickling process, general spiciness, and notable umami characteristics. As it ferments, the taste evolves to include sour and pungent notes, with a strong garlic aroma.

  7. Move it to the fridge, and consume within a few weeks.

  8. Note: For an extra burst of flavour, consider adding radish or Korean radish to your kimchi recipe. These crunchy vegetables add a refreshing texture and enhance the overall taste of the dish.
    Making kimchi at home is an engaging and rewarding process that allows you to explore the depths of Korean culinary traditions right in your kitchen.
    This traditional Korean side dish, made from fermented vegetables and a variety of seasonings, offers not just a burst of flavor but also significant health benefits due to its high probiotic content.
© Speciality Cooking Supplies Limited 2024


  • I use Red Boat fish sauce with good results. I’ve found Chinese Leaf in larger Tescos and Waitrose.

    Emma on

  • Hi Hazel and Rebekah,

    You can absolutely use your fermenting crock that you’ve bought. As this product comes with weights you also don’t need to have it completely full.

    I hope this helps!

    Edie at Sous Chef on

  • Hi
    Does anyone have an answer to this question below ? I can only find the comment, not a response, and I have the same query.
    “I bought a stoneware fermenting crock from sous chef. Can I use this to make kimchi? Recipes seem to be saying to seal the fermenting jar and this isn’t sealed. Also, is it okay if it is not full?”

    Rebekah on

  • Hi, I have only had shop bought kimchi before and find it very salty… is it supposed to be v salty? If so can it be healthy. Also what additional flavours can be added if any? Thanks 😀

    Steve on

  • I bought a stoneware fermenting crock from sous chef. Can I use this to make kimchi? Recipes seem to be saying to seal the fermenting jar and this isn’t sealed. Also, is it okay if it is not full?

    Hazel Hewett on

  • Hi Lindy, great question, a lot of kimchi use fish sauce however we have this fish sauce-free version available here

    Ellie @ Sous Chef on

  • What ideas do you have about vegan kimchi?

    Lindy on

  • Had a go using Savoy cabbage instead of napa/Chinese cabbage and worked a treat! I live in a small Scottish town and we don’t have access to “adventurous” ingredients like kimchi (or specialist vegetables, sadly), so being able to make my own is a real treat!

    Fran E on

  • Follows this recipe, used rock salt and tap water, No bubbles after 2 days so assume no fermentation. Room temp 21C. Most disappointing. Do not know what the problem is.

    Ann on

  • Here I am, reading away – yes I will definitely have a go at making this. Beautiful photos, beautiful sounding ingredients. I’m in !

    Joanna on

  • Beautiful :)

    Miss Whiplash on

  • I make kimuchi like your recipe without anchovy sauce!
    Your kimuchi looks delicious

    Keiko on

  • Maybe your salt contained iodine or anti-caking agents, can stop ferment, so can chlorinated water. Or try to leave at room temperature for longer, I leave sauerkraut to ferment for days, even weeks. The fermentation prevents spoiling, that’s why it was adopted centuries ago.

    John Williams on

  • No idea at all! I make exactly this recipe every month or so. Maybe you’re expecting to more gas to be generated? Recipes that use a flour roux always create more pressure in the fermenting container – so the fermenting is more obvious (I suspect the flour is just extra food to help the bacteria activate more quickly) – however in taste tests we’ve done, the kimchi tastes no different. We’ll be back in the office on Tuesday after the bank holiday, so – if you’d like to talk through – drop us an email with your phone number and I can give you a call.

    nicola on

  • I’ve used this recipe but could not get the kimchi to ferment, has anyone got any clues as to what I may be doing wrong?

    Chris Lawson on

  • That’s a good thought. It isn’t something I’ve come across, and have always had good results with tap water: both in the UK and in a cookery school in South Korea (similarly with sourdough starters that some people can only get to work with bottled water). Perhaps it depends on your local water? Which brand of bottled water do you find works?

    nicola on

  • To get the Kimchi to ferment you need to use bottled water to rinse the cabbage…tap water will not work. Once I got this right my Kimchi bubbles away like mad! It is so delicious…we use English radishes and turnip cut in matchsticks alongside the Chinese cabbage. Good luck!

    Lucy Thorpe on

  • Great recipe I’ve had superb results, couldn’t get Korean anchovy sauce in my part of the UK but the Thai stuff worked fine. Very tasty. First attempt was too salty as I didn’t wash the original salt off sufficiently, but next couple of batches were fab. Thanks for sharing.

    TomK on

  • Hi there

    I will definitely try this recipe. Would ordinary Nam Pla work OK do you think? I don’t have the Korean anchovy sauce.

    Also, which supermarkets stock this Chinese cabbage? Don’t think I’ve seen it in Sainsbury’s!

    Lizzie on

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