5 Gory Halloween Cakes To Delight And Disgust

If you're really out to send shivers down your guests' spines this Halloween, take inspiration from these five gruesome but awe-inspiring cakes. Incredible attention to all the gory details make these a far cry from pumpkins and witches' hats. Fondant and chocolate plastique are perfect for covering for cakes such as these as they provide an easily modelled, blank canvas on which to unleash your dark side...

1. Severed Foot Cake by Milli's Kitchen, Milli Taylor

If you're looking to make your guests squirm, this gruesome severed foot cake will certainly do the trick. Yet if they manage to get their head around trying a bit, they'll surely be delighted! Milli Taylor uses a squidgy chocolate cake as the base serving it with vanilla ice cream, hot salted caramel sauce, strawberry jelly worms and chocolate soil. A foot never tasted so good!

2. Off With His Head By Showcase Cakes, Ginger Chumley Franklin

Of all the severed head cakes on the Internet, this surely has to be the most horrifying! Ginger Chumley Frankin's creation is made of vanilla pound cake covered with icing, fondant and chocolate plastique. The eye balls were hand-rolled using isomalt sugar and the blood effect was created using red food colour.

3. Slice By Dead Bright Cakes, Gillian Bell

This disturbing creation is sure to make your guests jump out of their skin! Gillian Bell creates incredible folds and stitches with fondant icing and a disturbingly real sag at the seams...

4. Devil Horse By The Tattooed Bakers, Eddie & Rich

Nothing beats a devil horse of the apocalypse as a centrepiece at a Halloween party. This terrifying beast has Kraken Rum pouring out of its nose into a font surrounded by skulls. The horse cake was cut open in front of guests who could then help themselves to the red velvet cake inside. Hippophagy doesn't get tastier than this! With its incredible attention to detail it's not surprising this cake took over 200 hours to make.

5. Till Death Do Us Part By Sideserf Cakes, Natalie Sideserf

For couples getting married on Halloween, nothing says romance like a double severed head cake. Cake designer and bride, Natalie Sideserf's creation is made from confetti cake with a cream cheese icing. The vivid details are sculpted out of white chocolate plastique with Tarantino-esque precision and goriness. Nancy Sinatra's Bang Bang is a must for the wedding dance...


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