Clearspring Organic Unpasteurised Barley Miso, 300g


Clearspring organic unpasteurised barley miso, also known as mugi miso, adds an intense hit of umami to marinades and sauces. The miso is matured for 1-2 years in cedarwood casks, allowing deep salty and savoury flavours to develop.

This barley miso in unpasteurised, so the fermentation process is still active. ‘Live’ fermented foods like this are said to have a wealth of health benefits, particularly for the digestive system. To retain the benefits, try not to cook the miso for too long – add it as close to end of cooking as you can.

Clearspring organic barley miso works wonders with vegetables and tofu. Mix it with any or all of sesame oil, mirin, tahini, garlic and spring onion for an easy dressing that’s full of flavour.

Or keep it simple and make a soothing miso soup. Mix 1 tablespoon of barley miso with 250ml just-boiled water, stir to dissolve and serve with wakame seaweed and tofu cubes. For an extra umami hit, use half-and-half hot water with dashi stock.

Please note – this product is alive! The ongoing fermentation can cause the lid to bulge – this is normal, and the miso is still safe to consume. Harmless white yeasts may also develop on the surface from exposure to air. Simply skim off with a clean spoon, then continue to use.

Ingredients: cultured organic barley (38%), organic whole soya beans (35%), sea salt, water. Contains allergens: barley, soya.