Colomba Di Pasqua
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Colomba di Pasqua Delivered to Your Door
Panettone are a seasonal Italian treat. Although panettone can be produced all year round, they are usually kept just for Christmas. Colomba - or Colomba di Pasqua - are the panettone-alternative for Easter, baked in the shape of a cross, or dove.
Colomba Easter Cake
Choose from some Italy's finest luxury colomba. For extra indulgence – if you want to go a step further than a drizzle of double cream – spread rich Italian creams on your sliced colomba. Learn more about what colomba di pasqua (Italian Easter Cake) is in our buyers guide.
What makes the best Colomba cake?
Traditional colomba is golden, buttery and rich with dried fruit. The baking method takes time, and is a little like sourdough bread in that it uses a 'mother' yeast. Each Italian colomba maker treasures their mother yeast, which creates the distinctive character of each cake.
When buying colomba, there are a couple of things to lookout for:
- Good weight, which shows a good moisture content
- When you tear into the bread you should be greeted with the smell of fruit, vanilla and sweet butter dough
- The crumb structure should be moist and naturally tear into long strips. Cheaper colomba will look more like sponges inside.
TRY: Read our guide on how to eat Colomba
What is the difference between panettone and colomba?
Although the recipe uses the same ingredients, and follows a similar method, there are some key differences between panettone and colomba. To qualify as a colomba, the cake must:
- Have a glazed top with grains of sugar
- Be scattered with almonds (at least 2% of the total ingredients list)
- Be shaped like a dove
Serve your golden, buttery cake with an Italian espresso on Easter morning, or enjoy a slice with a mug of tea in the afternoon. Colomba is also fantastic with a glass of sweet dessert wine at the end of a meal.
Our Favourite Colomba di Pasqua Brands
Find many of Italy's finest colomba at Sous Chef, including treats from Loison, Fiasconaro and Muzzi.
Popular Colomba di Pasqua Flavours
Although the traditional colomba is a simple combination of dried fruit, there are many exciting and delicious flavours to discover:
- Chocolate - either with chocolate chips included in the dough, or dipped in chocolate for a thick coating across the domed top.
- Pistachio cream - pistachio is a favourite Italian choice, either using the nuts or threading the dough with ribbons of pistachio cream.
- Strawberry- any berries work brilliantly with the enriched dough