Belazu Balsamic Vinegar 1.34, 250ml
Belazu balsamic vinegar 1.34 is their premium balsamic vinegar. The 1.34 is their measurement of vinegar density, and shows quite how rich and syrupy it is. The sweet balsamic still packs an acidic punch, so it’s just as good used alone as a salad dressing as it is used as a glaze for roasted meats.
Belazu balsamic vinegar is made from only two ingredients – wine vinegar and grape must – right in the centre of Modena. As such, it is classed as Balsamic Vinegar of Modena IGP by the Consortium of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena.
Product formulations and details may change. For the latest ingredients and allergen information always check product packaging prior to consumption. Ingredients: wine vinegar (contains sulphites), cooked grape must. Allergens are listed in bold.
Origin: Italy
Size: 250ml
Best before: 13 January 27
SKU: BZ0011
Minimum shelf life: 6 months
Balsamic Vinegar Belazu Ingredients Italian Food & Ingredients Luxury Food Oil, Vinegar & Dressings Vinegar
Delivery Option | Price |
EVRi ? | £4.50 or FREE for orders over £60 |
DPD Express ? | £7 or FREE for orders over £100 |
DPD Signature Required ? | £7 or FREE for orders over £60 |
DPD Saturday or Sunday ? | £9 or FREE for orders over £150 |
These summary details have been prepared for information purposes only, and are designed to enhance your shopping experience on the Sous Chef website. While we have taken care in preparing this summary and believe it is accurate, it is not a substitute for your reading the product packaging and label prior to use. You should note that products and their ingredients are subject to change.