A Tipple in Korea: Wine, Soju

Rice wine is a popular drink in Korea. You will find different types: clear rice wines, milky rice wine, fruit wine, beer and flower wines. While soju is a Korean rice spirit with a clean and crisp taste.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the fascinating realms of soju and other Korean rice wines, exploring the history, production methods, popular varieties, and where to drink soju.

Shop all soju here or browse more Korean recipes and ideas here.

Introduction to Korean Wine and Soju

The Historical Significance of Soju

Korean wine holds a special place in the cultural and historical tapestry of the nation. Soju, has origins dating back to the 13th century. It was introduced by the Mongols during the Goryeo Dynasty. Over the centuries, it evolved to become the most popular distilled spirits in Korea. 

Meanwhile, traditional Korean rice wines, such as makgeolli, have been a staple for centuries and represent the agricultural heritage of the country.

These rice wines are not just drinks; they serve as cultural symbols, often present during celebrations, ceremonies, and family gatherings. 

They reflect the Korean ethos of togetherness and are a testament to the country's resilience and innovation in preserving and evolving their traditions.

The Cultural Impact of Soju and Wine in Korea

Traditional soju and wine hold a mirror to Korea's societal values, influencing not just the drinking culture but also social interactions and celebrations. Soju, in particular, is ubiquitous in Korean dining, often accompanying meals and serving as a social lubricant in gatherings.

Both soju and rice wine are integral to Korea's hospitality, with the act of pouring a drink for another being a sign of respect and friendship. The communal aspects of sharing these beverages are deeply rooted in Korean conviviality.

Understanding the Basic Types of Korean Wine


Makgeolli is Korea's indigenous rice wine, known for its milky, off-white appearance and its sweet and tangy profile with a subtle effervescence. Traditionally made from a mixture of rice, water, and nuruk (a Korean fermentation starter), makgeolli's unique flavour and cloudy appearance are the results of its unfiltered nature, retaining the richness of the rice. 

This wine is typically enjoyed in a bowl rather than a glass, paying homage to its rustic origins. Its relatively low alcohol content, usually around 6-8%, makes it a gentle introduction to Korean alcoholic beverages. 

he fermentation process of makgeolli also produces beneficial bacteria, making it a probiotic beverage that has been linked to improved gut health. Its versatility has seen a resurgence in popularity, with modern variations infusing fruits, herbs, and other flavours to cater to a broader palette.


Cheongju, often referred to as clear rice wine, is a refined and elegant variety of Korean alcoholic beverage. Unlike makgeolli, cheongju undergoes a filtration process that results in its transparent appearance. This wine is known for its delicate flavour and smoothness, with an alcohol content typically ranging between 10-15%. The traditional method of brewing cheongju involves a careful separation of the clear liquid from the fermented rice sediment. 

This clear part, which rises to the top, is then collected to produce cheongju, a drink historically reserved for royalty and aristocracy. Today, it's enjoyed by many and is often used in ceremonial offerings and special occasions. Its purity and mild taste make it a preferred choice for those seeking a less bold flavour than soju or makgeolli. Cheongju's subtle sweetness and clean finish also make it an excellent companion to the complex flavours of Korean cuisine.


Bokbunja-ju is a unique Korean fruit wine made from Korean black raspberries known as bokbunja. This wine is notable for its deep red colour and its rich, sweet, and slightly tart flavour profile. Bokbunja-ju is traditionally appreciated for its purported health benefits, including improved circulation and male virility. 

With an alcohol content that can vary from 15% to 19%, it offers a robust experience that is both aromatic and flavourful. The making of bokbunja-ju involves fermenting the berries with sugar and water, a process that enhances the wine's natural flavours and aromas. Its taste profile and health claims have made it a popular choice for both everyday consumption and as a gift for special occasions. Bokbunja-ju pairs well with meat dishes and can also be enjoyed on its own, making it a versatile addition to the Korean wine scene.

Everything You Need to Know About Soju

Soju: Korea's National Drink

Soju is often considered the national drink of Korea, enjoying immense popularity across the country and beyond its borders. This clear distilled spirit is traditionally made from rice, although modern variations sell soju may also use other starches like wheat, barley, or potatoes. Characterised by its neutral taste and typically ranging in alcohol content from 16% to 25%, soju is highly versatile and can be consumed straight, mixed in cocktails, or paired with a variety of Korean dishes. 

The drink's origins can be traced back to the 13th century, and its production has evolved with the introduction of modern distilling techniques. Yet, the ritual of pouring and receiving soju with two hands remains a quintessential part of Korean drinking etiquette, symbolising respect and camaraderie. Soju's affordability and accessibility have cemented its status as a staple in Korean social life, from casual get-togethers to formal business meetings.

The Production Process of Soju

The production of soju begins with the selection of a primary ingredient, which is typically rice, wheat, or sweet potatoes. The chosen starch is then mixed with water and nuruk, a traditional Korean fermentation starter, to initiate the process. This mixture ferments for a period, converting the starches into sugars and then into alcohol. After fermentation, the liquid is distilled to increase its alcohol content and purify the flavour. 

The resulting spirit is then diluted with water to reach the desired potency, which can vary depending on regional preferences and brands. Throughout the process, careful attention is given to maintaining a clean, smooth taste with a slight kick that soju is known for. The final product is often filtered multiple times to achieve the clarity and refinement that characterise this iconic Korean spirit. The production process, while modernised, still honours the historical methods that have been passed down through generations.

Soju Brands and Varieties

Within the world of soju, there is a broad spectrum of varieties that cater to different tastes and preferences. The classic soju, with its neutral flavour, is a blank canvas that can be enjoyed on its own or serve as a base for mixed drinks.

Flavoured soju has gained popularity, especially among younger drinkers, with an array of options from fruity to herbal infusions. These flavoured versions are often sweeter, with a lower alcohol content, making them an appealing choice for a lighter drinking experience.

Premium soju taste varieties are also available, which are made with higher-quality ingredients and may be distilled multiple times for a smoother taste. These often boast a more complex flavour profile and are enjoyed by those who appreciate the finer nuances of distilled spirits. From mass-produced brands to artisanal craft soju, the range available ensures that there is a soju to suit every occasion and palate.

The Modern Korean Wine and Soju Industry

The Global Influence of Korean Alcoholic Beverages

The influence of Korean alcoholic beverages has expanded significantly beyond the country's borders, riding the wave of the global Korean cultural phenomenon often referred to as the "Korean Wave" or "Hallyu." This trend has seen Korean dramas, music, food, and beauty products gain immense popularity worldwide, with Korean wine and soju riding along.

Soju, in particular, has become a global icon, with its sales skyrocketing in many countries. It's not uncommon to find soju in local liquor stores or being served in bars alongside traditional Korean cuisine, offering a taste of Korea's culture to a global audience. The adaptability of soju as a mixer for cocktails has also played a role in its international success.

Meanwhile, Korean wines are carving out a niche among wine enthusiasts, eager to explore different flavours and traditions. Their unique profiles and the stories behind them resonate with consumers looking for authenticity and new experiences.

The Rise of Craft Soju and Boutique Wines

In response to the growing demand for artisanal and premium beverages, the Korean alcohol industry has seen a surge in craft soju and boutique wines. These niche products cater to a market looking for authenticity, quality, and a unique drinking experience.

Craft soju producers are experimenting with traditional fermentation and distillation methods, as well as exploring locally sourced ingredients, to create spirits with distinctive flavours and stories that resonate with both locals and international consumers. Similarly, boutique Korean wineries are focusing on small-batch production, utilising local grape varieties and incorporating terroir-driven practices to produce wines that offer a true taste of Korea's diverse landscapes.

This shift towards craft production reflects a broader global trend towards sustainability and traceability in alcohol consumption. As a result, Korean craft soju and boutique wines are not just beverages but symbols of a cultural renaissance and innovation within the industry.

Sampling Korean Wine and Soju

Navigating the Wine and Soju Selection in Korea

Choosing from the vast selection of wine and soju in Korea can be an overwhelming experience for both newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts. To navigate this landscape, it's helpful to start with the basics: understanding the different types of soju and wine available.

Soju ranges from classic, neutral-flavoured spirits to fruit-infused varieties, each suited to different tastes and occasions. When sampling soju, consider starting with the traditional brands to experience the authentic taste before moving on to the flavoured or premium options.

For Korean wines, the selection includes traditional rice wines like makgeolli and cheongju, as well as fruit wines like bokbunja-ju. Each has its unique flavour profile and pairs well with different Korean dishes. Wine bars, restaurants and local markets offer tasting sessions, which can guide your selections. Remember, part of the joy is in exploring the diverse flavours and finding the ones that resonate with you.

Pairing Soju with Food

Pairing Korean wine and soju with food is an art that enhances the dining experience. Soju, with its clean and neutral taste, pairs excellently with a wide range of Korean dishes. It can cut through the richness of grilled meats like bulgogi or galbi, balancing the flavours. Flavoured soju complements spicy foods, providing a refreshing contrast to the heat.

When it comes to Korean wines, the pairing depends on the type of wine. Makgeolli, with its slight sweetness and tanginess, goes well with traditional Korean pancakes (jeon) or spicy stews, balancing their hearty and spicy profiles.

Cheongju, often chilled, with its smooth and clear taste, can accompany more delicate dishes such as steamed fish or cold noodles. Bokbunja-ju's fruity and slightly tart notes make it a perfect match for desserts or rich, savoury dishes like Korean black goat stew. Experimenting with chilled rice wine and different pairings will reveal the harmonious interplay between the beverages and Korean cuisine.

Tips for Enjoying Korean Alcoholic Beverages Responsibly

Enjoying Korean alcoholic beverages is an integral part of the cultural experience, but it's important to do so responsibly. Start by pacing yourself, especially if you're not familiar with the alcohol content of soju and Korean wines.

Drink plenty of water between drinks to stay hydrated and to prevent hangovers. Eating is a key part of the Korean drinking experience, so ensure you have a good meal with your beverages, as food helps to absorb alcohol and mitigate its effects.

Understanding your limits is crucial. It's common in Korean culture to pour drinks for others, but it's also acceptable to politely decline if you've had enough. Additionally, learning about the beverages you're consuming can make the experience more enjoyable and help you appreciate the subtleties of each drink.

Shop all soju here or browse more Korean recipes and ideas here.


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