Cinnamon Wreath With Rye Recipe

I sometimes make this when I need a centrepiece for a big fika session or birthday party. Essentially, a big cinnamon bun with a bit of extra oomph.

This recipe is extracted from The ScandiKitchen Cookbook by Bronte Aurell, published by Ryland Peters & Small, Photography by Peter Cassidy

Try Bronte's recipes for Creamed Rice Pudding With Warm Cherry Sauce & Seed Crispbread here!

Ingredients for Cinnamon Wreath With Rye

For the dough

For the filling

For the topping & brushing

How to make Cinnamon Wreath With Rye

  1. If using fresh yeast, pour the melted butter into the milk. The temperature should be between 36–37°C (97–98°F). Add the yeast and stir until dissolved. Pour into a mixing bowl.
  2. If using dried/active dry yeast, heat the milk to 36–37°C (97–98°F) and pour it into a bowl. Sprinkle in the yeast granules and whisk together. Cover with clingfilm/plastic wrap and leave in a warm place for 15 minutes to activate. Pour the mixture into a mixing bowl. Add the melted butter, sugar and cardamom and stir again. Add 250 g/13⁄4 cups strong/bread flour and all the rye flour, salt and egg. Mix until everything is incorporated. Work the dough until it almost stops sticking and has a shiny surface – about 5 minutes with a mixer using a dough hook, or 10 minutes by hand. The dough should only just reach the point of not being sticky. Leave to rise until it’s doubled (around 40 minutes).
  3. To make the filling, put the softened butter, cinnamon, cardamom and sugars into a bowl and mix well.
  4. Tip the dough out on a floured surface and work it with your hands, adding more flour, until you have a good, mouldable dough that does not stick and can be rolled out. Cut the dough in half and roll each piece in a rectangular shape (around 50 cm x 40 cm/16 x 20 in.). Spread the butter mixture evenly across the dough. Add three-quarters of the chopped nuts across the surface. Roll the dough up lengthways so you end up with a long, tight roll. Place on a baking sheet and shape into a round circle, attaching the ends. Using scissors, cut slices almost to the base. Spread each roll out to the side and flatten slightly until you have done the whole wreath. Ensure the wreath is quite flat. Let the wreath rest again for 30 minutes under a clean dish towel.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200°C (400°F) Gas 6. Brush the wreath gently with the remaining egg/milk and bake in the preheated oven for 20–25 minutes or until done.
  6. Brush at once with a very thin layer of warmed syrup, then sprinkle over the rest of the nuts and keep under a damp dish towel until cooled a bit. Once cooled, make the icing using a little icing/confectioners’ sugar and a few drops of warm water and pipe over the wreath.
© Speciality Cooking Supplies Limited 2024

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